Two weeks ago I went to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in Leavesden. The day started off with deciding what to wear. Should I be a normal Joe or sport my colored stockings in support of the Hufflepuff house? I chose school spirit in the end and am glad I did. They were just whimsical enough for the occasion!
I was very excited for the tour. I admit I was a bit of a latecomer to the world of Harry Potter, but I still enjoyed the books and absolutely loved the movies! Getting to see basically every prop from the series and so many costumes was too awesome to even describe. I took over 400 photos that day, which I am simultaneously proud of and horrified by! Even the most casual fan of the movies would enjoy this tour though. Just from a filmmaking stand point, the amount of BTS information and access is incredible.
The moment I got really excited was at the very beginning of the tour. It was a total surprise the way they kick it off! I won't say exactly what it was in case you make it there someday, but I will say that it involved the Great Hall...I got chills.
Inside the two hangers were basically every single prop and main set from the series. Amazing. My favorites were Dumbledore's office, the Gryffindor common room, and the Great Hall! I also got to try the famous butterbeer drink, which I actually enjoyed. They must have tweaked it over the years because (as you can tell from my apprehensive face) I'd read many reviews that it was sickly sweet. It was barely sweet though, a perfect taste.

My souvenir of the experience (apart from the mass photography), a chocolate frog with a 3D Salazar Slytherin inside.
Here are the rest of my favorite pictures from the day:
After all the Harry Potter fangirling, we headed to Oxford. I actually think my favorite thing about Oxford was the huge homes along the way to the colleges (you all know I love houses). They were gorgeous! I can only imagine how many millions they must cost.
We got a tour of Oxford from an Oxford student who showed us several colleges and talked about how the education system works at the University. We passed by Exeter, Jesus, and Trinity. We also saw the Sheldonian Theatre and walked through Christ Church and its gardens.
We had some free time to walk around the streets. There were street vendors and food carts. I bought a cute scarf and had some yummy gelato ice cream!
Overall, I thought Oxford was nice, but I could have spent much more time there actually going into the colleges and seeing where other parts of the University were since it's so spread out.
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